Aerospace Platforms

Tethered Aerostats


Elevating Awareness Through Lighter-Than-Air Tethered Aerostat Platforms

TCOM offers elevated awareness Lighter-Than-Air Tethered Aerostat platforms  designed to collect information from multiple sensors and interoperate with other aerial and unattended ground radars. TCOM offers surface-to-stratosphere capabilities through the recent integration and acquisition of Equinox Innovative Systems.

TCOM Elevated Awareness Solutions are custom-tailored to meet our customer needs for today and tomorrow. Designed to enhance customers’ effectiveness in today’s multi-domain operations, TCOM’s Lighter-Than-Air systems provide a persistent presence complementing and enhancing UAVs, Aircraft, and satellites. Capable of delivering 360-degree coverage for detection, surveillance, monitoring, and targeting on long-endurance missions exceeding 30 days at heights up to 16,000 feet, Lighter-Than-Air platforms create a unique ability to understand life patterns in areas of interest.

TCOM's Family of Aerostats for Tactical and Strategic Missions

Tactical Aerostat Platforms

12M TCOM blimp

TCOM’s Tactical Aerostat Platform is a compact, highly portable persistent surveillance solution designed to meet the tactical needs of operators on the battlefield. These rugged and versatile systems are ideal for land surveillance applications that require rapid deployment, retrieval, and relocation.

Tactical Aerostat Platforms can be customized with payloads that include video surveillance, infrared, and SIGINT / COMMS Relay equipment, enabling forces to obtain actionable data, even in the most remote and challenging terrain. TCOM’s Tactical Aerostat Platforms have been used extensively in theater in Iraq and Afghanistan. They support U.S. Customs and Border Protection in enhancing security along the U.S. border with Mexico. These versatile systems represent the future of aerostat systems deployment and design.


Operational Aerostat Platforms

TCOM’s Operational Aerostat Platforms offer unrivaled versatility and performance. These medium-sized aerostat systems offer both the flexibility and portability for accelerated launch and retrieval, along with the capacity for sustained deployment for up to two weeks at a time.

Operational Aerostat Platforms are ideal for monitoring areas in which ground-based surveillance would be rendered ineffective by domain obstructions, or where manned aerial surveillance is deemed too costly. Versatile Operational Aerostat Platforms may carry payloads that include radar, SIGINT, and COMMS Relay to altitudes as high as 3,000 ft above ground control station. This makes the systems ideal for maritime surveillance applications, protecting ports and coastal borders, as well as inland border surveillance applications


Strategic Aerostat Platforms

TCOM’s Strategic Aerostat Platforms include some of the largest tethered aerostats currently in operation. These robust systems are ideal for aerial surveillance applications due to their enormous payload capacity and extended altitude range. TCOM’s Strategic Aerostat Platforms are capable of sustained deployments lasting up to 30 days at a time.

Typically, Strategic Aerostat Platforms are customized for surveillance applications that involve the detection of low-flying, fast-moving objects including light aircraft and cruise missiles. Strategic platform payloads may include long-range radar, active and passive communications equipment as well as COMINT/ELINT technologies, often carrying payloads as high as 15,000 ft above ground control station. Due to their large size, high altitude, and considerable payload, Strategic Aerostat Platforms use a stationary mooring station.

12M Aerostat System:

TCOM’s 12M aerostat system is the most compact and portable solution of its kind available today. The 12M offers rapid deployment and retrieval, enabling operators in the field to obtain actionable surveillance data faster than ever before.

Payload Weight27k/ 60lbs
Nominal Altitude305m/ 1000 ft
Available Payload Power500 W
Flight Duration7 days
Wind SpeedsOperational- 40 kts/ Survival-55 kts

17M Aerostat System:

TCOM’s 17M aerostat systems offer battle-tested reliability along with total customization for a versatile solution to inland surveillance missions. These compact systems can be deployed in a matter of hours and require minimal manpower to operate.

Payload Weight145 kg/ 320 lbs
Nominal Altitude610 m/ 2000 ft
Available Payload Power2kw
Flight Duration14 days
Wind SpeedsOperational- 40 kts/ Survival-55 kts

22M aerostat system

TCOM’S 22M aerostat system is trusted by military forces and border authorities alike. The system can be assembled in a matter of hours and can be deployed from stationary or mobile mooring stations.

Payload Weight202 kg/ 445 lbs
Nominal Altitude900 m/ 3000 ft
Available Payload Power2 kW
Flight Duration14 days
Wind SpeedsOperational- 55 kts/ Survival-75 kts

28M aerostat system

TCOM’s 28M is one of the most widely-used aerostat systems available today. The 28M offers battle-proven reliability and can be customized with multiple payload configurations to meet the most demanding mission requirements.

Payload Weight385 kg/ 850 lbs 
Nominal Altitude1525 m/ 5000 ft 
Available Payload Power5 kw 
Flight Duration14 days 
Wind SpeedsOperational- 55 kts/ Survival-75 kts 


TCOM’s 34M is one of the most widely-used aerostat systems available today. The 34M offers battle-proven reliability and can be customized with multiple payload configurations to meet the most demanding mission requirements.

Versatile Operational Class aerostat systems may carry payloads that include radar, SIGINT and COMMS Relay to altitudes as high as 5,000 ft above ground control station. This makes the systems ideal for maritime surveillance applications, protecting ports and coastal borders, as well as inland border surveillance applications.

Payload Weight 689kg/1520lbs 
Nominal Altitude1525m /5000 ft 
Available Payload Power5 kW 
Flight Duration30 days 
Wind SpeedsOperational- 55 kts/ Survival-75 kts 

55M aerostat system

TCOM’s 55M is ideal for monitoring areas where ground-based surveillance would be rendered ineffective by domain obstructions or where manned aerial surveillance is deemed too costly.

Payload Weight907 kg/ 2000 lbs 
Nominal Altitude2133m/ 7000 ft 
Available Payload Power23.5 kVA 
Flight Duration30 days 
Wind SpeedsOperational- 70 kts/ Survival-90 kts 

71M aerostat system

TCOM’s 71M aerostat system is a versatile wide-area persistent surveillance solution. U.S. Military and allied forces rely on the 71M as an integral component of missile and air defense systems.

Payload Weight2155 kg/ 4750 lbs
Nominal Altitude4570 m/ 15000 ft
Available Payload Power23.5 kVA
Flight Duration30 days
Wind SpeedsOperational- 70 kts/ Survival-90 kts

74M aerostat system

The 74M is one of the largest and most powerful aerostat systems available. The high altitude and maximum payload capacity set the 74M apart as a reliable tool for aiding military forces in sustained aerial surveillance applications.

Strategic Class payloads may include long-range radar, active and passive communications equipment, and COMINT/ELINT technologies, often carrying payloads as high as 15,000ft above the ground control station. Due to their size, high altitude, and considerable payloads, Strategic Class aerostats use a stationary mooring station. 

Payload Weight3855 Kg/8,500 lbs
Nominal Altitude3,000 m/ 10000 ft
Available Payload Power70kVA
Flight Duration30 days
Wind SpeedsOperational- 70 kts/ Survival-100 kts

117M aerostat system

The 117M is the largest and most powerful aerostat system available. The high altitude and maximum payload capacity set the 117M apart as a reliable tool for aiding military forces in sustained aerial surveillance applications.

Payload Weight 8164kg/18,000 lbs
Nominal Altitude 4877m/ 16,000ft
Available Payload Power 130kVA
Flight Duration 60 days
Wind Speeds Operational- 80 kts/ Survival-90 kts

Solution Architecture

TCOM strives to give you the assurance that the investment you have already made in defensive security technology will be optimized and that the technology will enable our monitoring systems to help protect you. 

We can review both the architecture and the configuration of technical security controls deployed to safeguard your digital assets once we have a clear understanding of the risks you face to ensure they are configured to identify relevant compromises and minimize damage from compromises. 

We can also provide active management of these platforms to ensure that their configuration remains commensurate with the evolving risks you face.


Strategic Engineering Services

TCOM has extensive experience in all phases of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance R&D – from concept development and prototyping to transforming prototypes into final products. 

This broad technical and operational experience, combined with our proven program management capabilities, enables us to provide our customers with solutions that meet program objectives and perform in the field.

Mission Support & Sustainment

TCOM’s Mission Support and Sustainment capabilities strategically identify our customers’ demands and their drivers. We leverage our lessons learned and turn them into best practices that are implemented across programs and deliver improved quality, efficiency, and security. As part of our mission-enabling technology and automated and data-driven logistics, we provide resilient solutions matched to the customer’s mission, commodity, and environment.

Custom Manufacturing

TCOM is involved in all aspects of the aerospace supply chain, from single components to complex systems, to aerospace structures and their contents. Our services cover the entire lifecycle of an aerospace asset, from raw material to aftermarket support. We are competitive because of our unique ability to integrate a wide range of products and services. By aligning our go-to-market strategies with our customers’ needs, this organizational structure gives us greater clarity into our capabilities. Furthermore, it improves the efficiencies of our operation by better aligning our talent with our internal operations.

Product Improvement

Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) technologies are integrated into TCOM platforms to increase situational awareness, mobility, interoperability, and survivability. TCOM’s technology-agnostic integration provides the flexibility that customers need. Our team offers full lifecycle support for ISR systems, from design to deployment to maintenance and improvements.