Case Study: PGSS

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[av_heading heading=’TCOM’S AEROSTAT SYSTEMS SUPPORT THE PGSS PROGRAM, PROVIDING ACTIONABLE INTELLIGENCE TO U.S. MILITARY FORCES IN AFGHANISTAN’ tag=’h4′ color=’custom-color-heading’ custom_font=’#ffffff’ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=’60’ subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’0′][/av_heading]

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  • U.S. Military forward operating bases in Afghanistan faced considerable danger from unseen threats
  • Aerial systems such as the Predator and other drones were ineffective at detecting and verifying potential threats
  • The PGSS program was initiated to utilize lighter than air aerostat systems to provide persistent ground surveillance


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  • The PGSS program utilizes TCOM’s 22M aerostat system, which has an operational altitude of 3,000 ft.
  • TCOM’s aerostat systems provide a 24-hour, eye in the sky surveillance, delivering actionable intelligence to forces on the ground
  • TCOM recently celebrated the milestone of one-hundred-thousand combat ISR hours under the PGSS program


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U.S. Military forward operating bases (FOB) in Afghanistan faced daunting challenges in maintaining perimeter security. Small, fast-moving vehicles, hidden mortars and IEDs were difficult to detect, and posed considerable danger to U.S. troops. Existing aerial surveillance systems such as the Predator and other unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) were effective at striking targets, but were not able to provide consistent and accurate intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR). The UAV platforms were constantly moving, and at varying altitudes, which made it difficult to verify positive identification of the target and pinpoint activities or intent. With the initiation of the PGSS program, TCOM aerostats changed the paradigm on the battlefield.

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The United States Department of Defense (DoD) initiated the Persistent Ground Surveillance System Aerostat Program (PGSS) to provide a persistent, elevated ground surveillance system that could offer a comprehensive coverage radius to provide actionable intelligence to keep soldiers safe on base. DoD turned to TCOM, the global leader in reliable persistent surveillance solutions, to provide aerostat systems that deliver the surveillance and communication capabilities needed to detect and neutralize potential threats.

The PGSS program utilizes TCOM’s 22M aerostat system, which can rise to an altitude of 3,000 feet carrying aloft cutting-edge sensor payloads. The integrated system provides 24-hour, eye in the sky surveillance, rapidly relaying mission-critical information to decision makers on the ground. The system’s round-the-clock coverage and stationary elevated perspective deliver a comprehensive view of the surrounding terrain, providing total domain awareness. This enables military forces to first detect threats that would have otherwise gone unseen, and second, to detect threats more quickly. This allows more time to verify, respond and neutralize.

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Since implementing the PGSS Aerostat Program in Afghanistan, TCOM’s persistent aerostat systems have played a critical role in deterring and dissuading potential threats to U.S. bases in Afghanistan. The systems’ elevated, 24-hour surveillance has led to numerous interceptions of insurgent activity, saving the lives of U.S. troops, and ensuring safer perimeters for U.S. bases. As part of the PGSS program, TCOM aerostat systems have become an integral component to U.S. combat operations, providing actionable intelligence that leaders depend on to make effective decisions on the battlefield. As a testament to the success of the program, TCOM recently celebrated the milestone of one-hundred-thousand combat ISR hours supporting the PGSS program.

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