
Technical Documentation to Improve Operations

While TCOM’s aerostat surveillance systems are less costly and less complex than many of the alternatives (such as manned aircraft, satellites, and large UAV’s), TCOM’s systems are, none the less, extremely sophisticated. As such, accurate and understandable documentation is required to support the operation and maintenance of our systems wherever they are deployed. To address this need TCOM relies on our Technical Documentation Group which is made up of individuals with the diverse technical backgrounds needed to cover all aspects of the system. Most possess advanced degrees and many have extensive military experience, particularly in aircraft flight and maintenance. The Technical Documentation Group produces the necessary supporting documentation for every Aerostat Surveillance System including:

  • Theory and Operations Manuals
  • Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Manuals
  • Supporting drawings and parts lists

Formatted for Multiple Devices

The manuals can be written either to our own best commercial practices standards, or to a variety of MIL STDs as required by the customer. While most customers still desire paper manuals for aerostat documentation, electronic versions of our manuals are now available online if requested. TCOM has worked with the U. S. Army in developing Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) in accordance with the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) standard, S1000D. TCOM is currently developing searchable interactive documentation that will be portable across a variety of platforms such as PC’s, laptops, and mobile devices.

Documentation to Facilitate Training

TCOM trained customer Operations & Maintenance personnel using TCOM generated aerostat documentation has proven successful in increasing on-station time and further lowering life cycle costs of Persistent Airborne Surveillance in some of the most troubled regions of the world.

  • Accurate and Comprehensive Information prepared by an experienced staff
  • Choice of Electronic or Paper Format
  • Increases protection while lowering costs
  • Optimized for mobile devices


9,014 thoughts on “Documentation”

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    объективной реальности. Индивид
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    Проприоцептивные ощущения. Интенсивность раздражителя.
    Структура психики это. Тесты псих ты или
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    Это целостный образ предмета
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